Bilke Cruiser
Mobile Firewood Processor
Bilke Cruiser transforms the popular Bilke S3 into a trailer installation without compromising the machine’s excellent features.

Bilke Cruiser
Mobile Firewood Processor
Bilke Cruiser transforms the popular Bilke S3 into a trailer installation without compromising the machine’s excellent features.

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Energy efficient
Bilke Cruiser on saatavilla eri moottorivaihtoehdoilla

Bilke Cruiser runs on a fuel-efficientBriggs & Stratton 18 hp combustion engine.

Operating consumptionis 1.5 – 2 litres / h.

Output capacity is approximately10 m3 per hour.

Weigh ca. 650 kg.
See dimensions

27hp // bensa
Työskennellessä kulutuson vain 1,5 – 2 l/h
Tuottavuus on n. 10irtokuutiota tunnissa
Paino noin 650 kg